5th Grade Art Show

Slideshow from St. Dominic School (posted on May 11, 2020)
5th graders created some beautiful artwork this year!
Sunglasses selfie: This project had many elements to it.  Students had to create a self portrait (placement of features was discussed) of them wearing sunglasses.  The sunglasses had to reflect something fun or meaningful they did over the summer.  Areas of zentangle were added (a method of doodling to promote relaxation), and watercolors were used for color. 
Kaleidoscope design:  After learning about the 3 types of balance found in art (symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial) students had to create a design showing radial balance using either their name or a word that inspires them.  If you look closely at the art, you might be able to read the word they chose.
Stamped snowflake:  Students used cardboard and white paint to stamp out a snowflake design, which shows radial balance.
Famous painting re-created:  After choosing a famous painting from history to critique, students to had re-create the painting as best as they could using whatever art supplies they had at home.  
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