Kindergarten Art Show

Slideshow from St. Dominic School (posted on May 11, 2020)
Kindergarten was busy in art this year!   
3-D lines: using strips of paper, students had to transform the strips into different kinds of lines (folding to create zig zag, curling to create wavy, cutting to create broken lines, etc.) We then glued the manipulated strips to create a 3-D work of art.
Marker wash pumpkins: Students filled their pumpkins with various lines in orange washable marker.  We learned how marker can transform into watercolors by brushing over with water.  Proper use of paintbrushes was demonstrated. A stem, vine, and leaves were added for the finishing touches.
Stained glass: After learning about the different directions of lines (horizonal, vertical, diagonal), students had to glue black strips of paper in the 3 different directions.  The shapes created from the black strips of papers (mostly triangles and squares) were painted in with watercolors to create a stained glass looking artwork.  
Fantastic Felines: After learning about Californian artist Laurel Burch, who is known for her decorative cats artwork, students created their own fantastic felines.  Patterns were drawn in oil pastels, and watercolors were painted to fill in the rest of the cat. 
Found objects portrait:  Students learned about an Italian painter named Giuseppe Arcimboldo, who created portriats from various objects.  After looking at some examples of his work along with other famous portraits painted in history, students had to arrange found objects from around the house or outside to create a portrait of their own.
Fingerprint art:  Students looked at examples of art from well known children's author/illustrator Ed Emberley.  They then had to create their own version of the fingerprint art, using a marker to create a finger print, and adding details in black ink.
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