8th Grade Art Show

Slideshow from St. Dominic School (posted on May 11, 2020)
8th grade was busy in the art room this year...
Profile portraits:  After looking at the portraits by Italian painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo, students traced their profile and filled it in with various images and symbols about their life.  This was a great way to learn about the students at the beginning of the school year.
Pop art character:  Students looked at different artists and examples of pop art.  Common elements in pop art are benday dots, bright colors, and easily recognizable objects or characters (Mickey Mouse, Marilyn Monroe, etc. by Andy Warhol) Students had to choose a well known character from their childhood (from a movie, tv show, book, etc.).  The character was drawn large and painted in with bright colors.  "Benday dots" were stamped in the background using q-tips.
Weavings:  This project took a lot of time, but the results are beautiful! Students learned about the process of weaving.  Vocabulary associated with this particular textile art was discussed. Looms were created out of cardboard.
Graffiti:  Students viewed a video on how to create stylized lettering to create a positive message, graffiti inspired!
Famous painting re-created:  After choosing a famous painting from history to critique, students to had re-create the painting as best as they could using whatever art supplies they had at home.  
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