Objective Students will practice their drawing skills by creating a composition based on a given prompt: "Futuristic Cityscape," incorporating specific Elements of Art and utilizing crayon, marker, and colored pencil. K-2 Educational Benchmark A.1: Art Production: Identify how artists use visual art and design to communicate; investigate the properties of materials to support the planning and making of works of art. Students will be able to: I. Apply a varied repertoire of developmentally appropriate art techniques in formal and informal settings A.K.1d Recognize basic 2 dimensional figures (circle, square, rectangle, triangle) A.1.1b Use lines and shapes to create patterns A.2.1h Recognize elements of line, shape, color and texture in works 3-5 Educational Benchmark A.1: Art Production: Demonstrate an understanding of how intent and purpose are informed by experimentation of elements; plan and create works of visual art and design recognizing various purposes and intentions. Students will be able to: I. Apply a varied repertoire of developmentally appropriate art techniques in formal and informal settings A.3.1b: Recognize elements of balance/space in art A.4.1c: Identify unity or harmony in art A.5.1c: Show depth using size, placement of objects, detail, and color