Tucker4065's Comments (144)

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Below are comments about Tucker4065's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a fun project! I love the colors you chose for your weaving. It reminds me a little of my crocheting. Love, Gramma
- Libby on June 12, 2024
This is so cool, Tucker! I love seeing all the different kinds of art you get to do! Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on June 6, 2024
Hi Tucker - Love these colors - can't tell if this is woven or knitted? Whatever it is, I LOVE it! Hope you are relaxing today after spending most of the day at the Dentists offices and Urgent Care! Love, Lulu
- Carol on June 6, 2024
Tucker, I love the bright colors you have chosen, along with the really cool border. It looks as if your critter has a fun maze to follow. Love, Gramma
- Libby on April 27, 2024
HI Tucker - Now this is my kind of dessert - looks like a layered brownie with marshmallows on top. You get the best art projects - have fun cruising! Love, LULU
- Carol on March 20, 2024
This looks like it would be a really tasty treat. It looks like it would be s’more flavored maybe?
- Dad on March 20, 2024
Well this just makes me hungry. I LOVE chocolate!! Love, Gramma
- Libby on March 20, 2024
HI Tucker - Looks like a St Patrick's Day Heart! Go Green! Love, LULU
- Carol on March 20, 2024
HI Tucker - Looks like some yummy ice cream cones and brownies - also looks like mint chocolate chip ice cream!! Love, LULU
- Carol on March 20, 2024
I keep seeing this in our kitchen and want to eat it! It looks so yummy ?? Nice job, buddy! Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on March 15, 2024
Hi Tucker - I love the colors in this art. Your fields are very neat. The haystacks have great shading from the sun - that is not easy to do! Keep up the great art projects - they are all very different and interesting! Love, LULU
- Carol on February 29, 2024
I think it is really difficult to draw objects from different distance perspectives. You did a really nice job Tucker. Love, Gramma
- Libby on February 29, 2024
Hi Tucker - Monet is probably one of my favorite artists. I'm impressed you've learned about Van Gough and Monet. I am convinced you have an artistic talent. It is not at all easy to draw a bridge or to put things in the foreground and background to show depth. I love the water lilies! Love, Lulu
- Carol on February 16, 2024
Nicely done Tucker.....
- Grandpa Dave on February 14, 2024
Nice job Tucker. I really like French impressionism, and the colors you chose are soft and beautiful. Love, Gramma
- Libby on February 7, 2024
I love the soothing colors you chose! This scene reminds me a little bit of walking over the bridge at Family Camp :) Nice work, Tucker! Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on January 31, 2024
Hi Tucker - Honestly I opened this message and instantly had a big smile - I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your snowman on a hill. He is just very happy and it made my day! I love his scarf and matching scarf - You made this just in time for the snow in Michigan. Hope it snows enough to be able to make your own snowman with Madison - or maybe you could each make one. Have a great week - enjoy Volleyball and your day off Monday! Love, LULU
- Carol on January 17, 2024
Tucker, I love your snowman; he has a great hat and it's fun to see his scarf is blowing in the wind. You did a great job with your perspective, drawing the snowman as you look up at him. Love, Gramma
- Libby on January 17, 2024
This is really neat, Tucker! Maybe we can build a snowman this weekend?!
- Kate (Mother) on January 12, 2024
Tucker - love the snowman. But why is there a green tree in the background - do trees have leaves in the winter? Grandpa
- David on January 12, 2024
That is a great looking and very colorful snowman! Your artwork has really improved and the way you drew it makes it look much bigger and how it would look if you were on the ground in front of it. Great job!
- Dad on January 12, 2024
Wow Tucker. This is really well done. The shading is wonderful, and really gives depth to the pumpkin. Love, Gramma
- Libby on November 14, 2023
That is a really good looking pumpkin. It looks like ours looked until after Halloween since we forgot to carve it. You're doing a great job starting to learn how to draw three dimensional shapes. I bet you could draw a really good basketball now!
- Dad on November 14, 2023
Hi Tucker - This is pretty awesome. You have a great art teacher who comes up with some neat ideas for art work. I could never do this. I'm very impressed! Love, LULU
- Carol on November 8, 2023
Super cool buddy! This remind me of that craft we did where we put the papers with the bones in the sun, then went into a dark room to look at the xray :). Nice job!
- Kate (Mother) on October 21, 2023
Wow Tucker. This is really cool! I've seen a lot of X-Rays in my career, and this really does a nice job simulating one. Love, Gramma PS - Did you know there are 27 bones in the human hand?
- Libby on October 21, 2023
Hi Tucker - Very nice Birch trees. I think they are like cousins to Aspen trees that we saw in Colorado. they all look happy to me. Keep up the great art work. Love, Lulu
- Carol on October 11, 2023
This really looks like birch trees through the seasons. Your artwork has really improved over the last few years! Keep up the good work!
- Dad on October 11, 2023
This is amazing, Tucker! And birch trees are my favorite :)
- Kate (Mother) on October 4, 2023
Tucker, Birch trees are one of my favorite trees and I love seeing your birches in all 4 seasons. The trunks are especially cool! Love, Gramma
- Libby on October 4, 2023
Love the birch trees!
- Grandpa Dave on October 4, 2023
Tucker, it’s been really neat to see everything you’ve learned in art this year! And, how you’ve grown as an artist is just amazing! Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on June 9, 2023
Nicely done Tucker....did you know I went to Australia once, many years ago.....Grandpa
- Grandpa Dave on May 31, 2023
Tucker, I love all the beautiful colors you used, especially at the horizon. And your kangaroos are really cute. Great job! Love, Gramma
- Libby on May 31, 2023
Hi Tucker - What an awesome landscape with the kangaroos! Looks like an 8 year old painting to me. Kangaroos are HARD to paint, but you did an awesome job! Love, LULU
- Carol on May 24, 2023
This looks like the Australian Outback. All the colors make it look dry and hot. I like the big mesa in the background while the kangaroos are hopping in the foreground. Bluey must be around here somewhere. Good artwork mate!
- Dad on May 23, 2023
This might be one of the more unique ideas so far. There is a real feeling of depth in the painting, and I love the deepening shades of color. Love, Gramma
- Libby on April 26, 2023
This is amazing! What a neat idea, and it turned out so well! Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on April 25, 2023
Wow is this a Pirana
- Grandpa Dave on April 25, 2023
Do you think that fish would sink or float? I'd guess it would be a sinker! I bet Madison would really like that fish - it's blue and green!
- Dad on April 17, 2023
Hi Tucker, I really like this piece, especially the colors. I bet it was fun to make! You'll need to go snorkeling to see if you can find any fish like this underwater. Love, Gramma
- Libby on April 17, 2023
This looks really neat! I can’t wait to see it in person, and hear how you made it!
- Kate (Mother) on April 12, 2023
Hi Tucker - Loos like you made a nice necklace - It looks cool - like a crystal out of BOb's mine - but his are orange or yellow. Nice job. Love, Lulu
- Carol on April 12, 2023
Tucker, I think your lizard is really cute......but I still don't want to see him in real life! Love, Gramma
- Libby on March 1, 2023
HI Tucker - You have the BEST art projects in your art class. Looks like a colorful alligator to me - all these projects make me SMILE! Keep up the good work. Love, LULU
- Carol on February 22, 2023
This is awesome! Looks like a Gecko or even like it is a lizard hiding on top of a leaf. Great job - you're working on some really cool artwork at school this year!
- Dad on February 22, 2023
Tucker - I thought I had sent a comment about your cool mosaic - well, if not, I love it. I can't believe you are learning all this in second grade and doing such a neat job! Love, LULU
- Carol on February 8, 2023
Hi Tucker - What an awesome mosaic you have created! That took a lot of time to line up all the parts. Keep up the good work and keep learning new things every day! Love you -- LULU
- Carol on February 8, 2023
I am just in awe, Tucker! This is so cool!
- Kate (Mother) on February 1, 2023
This is really cool Tucker. I've never seen this style of artwork before. Great job. Love, Gramma
- Libby on February 1, 2023
That's a good looking bird! Is that a tweety bird?
- Dad on February 1, 2023
Tucker, This is another very cool painting. I really love Van Gogh's "Starry Night", so my favorite part of your painting is the sky. Great work! Love, Gramma
- Libby on December 23, 2022
Tucker, This really DOES look like a Van Gogh. The sunflowers are beautifully done. Great job!
- Love, Gramma on December 14, 2022
Did you know that the sunflower is the state flower in Kansas?! And, it’s so neat that you got to use pastels :) Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on December 1, 2022
I thought this looked like a Van Gogh painting right when I looked at it. Great job making it look so realistic - even the one flower that is drooping.
- Dad on December 1, 2022
Love the sunflowers!!
- Grandpa Dave on December 1, 2022
Hey Tucker! You’ll have to teach me how you did this - this is really cool! And, it makes me excited for snow skiiing this winter :) Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on October 23, 2022
Tucker, Love your snowman - he's a chubby happy looking little guy! And it gets me excited for winter to come. Love, Gramma
- Gramma on October 23, 2022
Van Gough is a very famous artist - I can't believe what a really cool job you did on this project. I looked up some information on Van Gough - his first name is Vincent. He painted over 900 paintings - and usually used a lot of color in his art. He painted a lot of pictures of himself and also liked to paint flowers - sunflowers and poppies were two of his favorites. Many of his painting have sold for over 80 MILLION dollars. keep painting! Love, LULU
- Carol on October 19, 2022
Wow Tucker! This is a really unique picture. And I am so glad you are learning about Van Gogh; he was an amazing artist. Love, Gramma
- Libby on October 12, 2022
You’ve come a long way from stick figures! I bet using the short lines was faster than coloring it all in. It also gives it a cool look. What happened to your hair? Great job!
- Dad on October 12, 2022
Tucker! I am so impressed! I can’t believe how detailed your drawing is - I remember when you were just learning to draw faces in Kindergarten:) I love the background color you chose too. Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on October 6, 2022
This is very cool Tucker. I like all the different colors. But I think my favorite thing is how you are able to show hands overlapping, giving this some depth perception. Love, Gramma
- Libby on June 15, 2022
HI Tucker - I Love this - you came up with lots of different patterns. This makes me smile - I wonder if all these hands have different sticky gloves on? Congrats for your making the select soccer team for next year!! Love, LULU
- Carol on June 15, 2022
This is really neat, Tucker! I think this is my favority piece if artwork that you’ve done so far. Love all if the patterns you chose. Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on June 9, 2022
That's a lot of hands - and it looks like left hands. You must be right handed - it would be harder to trace your right hand using your left hand. The black one looks like paper clips to me. Glad you're learning and trying a lot of different art this year!
- Dad on June 9, 2022
Wow Tucker - the detail on this koi is amazing. I love the colors too. Great Job! Love, Gramma
- Libby on May 25, 2022
Tucker, this is really neat and impressive! I’m blown away by how you have developed as an artist since the beginning of the year! Your artwork had become so detailed. Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on May 17, 2022
HI Tucker - This looks like a rocket ship with a flag blowing in the wind to me. You are lucky to have a nice art teacher in first grade. Love, Lulu
- Carol on May 17, 2022
Hi Tucker - You are very lucky to have the chance to learn about ceramics in First Grade. Courtney took an art class at South High School - Ceramics. She loved it - probably one of her favorite classes. I can't wait to see your cup when I get home. Keep up the good work. Hugs from Arizona. Love, Lulu
- Carol on March 16, 2022
Pretty cool! Grandpa
- Dave on March 9, 2022
This bowl is really cool Tucker, and I bet it was fun to create. So interesting to watch it go through all the different stages of molding, baking, painting and glazing. Love, Gramma
- Libby on March 9, 2022
Tucker, you are quite an artist! Will you start to drink tea now? Maybe we can use this to store candy - or it can be your drink cup for dinner. It looks very cool and I think your aunt Courtney would be very proud - she used to make a lot of pottery.
- Dad on March 9, 2022
Hey Tucker, this is really neat! I like the leaf you painted on it :) Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on March 5, 2022
Hi Tucker - What an awesome fish - you are a wonderful artist. This looks like a fish I've seen before, but don't know the name. Do you think this kind of fish is swimming in Lake Huron by the cottage in Lexington? Have a great day. Love you - Lulu
- Carol on February 16, 2022
Wow Tucker. This fish is really cool, and I'll bet it was fun to create. Love, Gramma
- Libby on February 16, 2022
Wow! I can’t wait to hear how you created this :) And, Madison is going to love the color!
- Kate (Mother) on February 14, 2022
Wow - is this a Bluegill fish?
- Dave on February 14, 2022
Wow!!! I am impressed - this is my favorite artwork of yours so far! Love, Mom
- Kate (Mother) on February 1, 2022
Wow Tucker. This is an awesome picture! Your panda and bamboo are so realistic. Great job! Love, Gramma
- Libby on February 1, 2022
Nicely done Tucker. The bamboo looks real!
- Dave on February 1, 2022
Hi Tucker - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your cute panda bear. Makes me smile when I look at him. Great job!
- Carol on February 1, 2022
Hi Tucker - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your really cute Panda bear. He made me smile. Looks like you are having lots of fun ice skating too as well as playing basketball. Have a nice day - miss you - Love and hugs, LULU and Bob
- Carol on February 1, 2022
Cute snowman Tucker. And it looks as if he had a very big Christmas dinner! Love, Gramma
- Libby on January 12, 2022
Nice Tucker. What is it? Grandp
- Dave on January 12, 2022
Tucker, this is too neat! Love how you were able create a snowman that you looked down on from above! I like the shades of blue you chose for around the outside. Love, mom
- Kate on January 12, 2022
This polar bear has a great Christmas hat!
- Grandpa Dave on December 15, 2021
HI Tucker - I LOVE your snowman - he's got a matching scarf and hat. I love the fringe on your scarf around his neck - makes me smile, Love, LULU
- Carol on December 15, 2021
OOOH - I would like a hat and scarf like that. And I love your polar bear.....looks like he is getting ready to say Merry Christmas! Love, Gramma
- Libby on December 15, 2021
Tucker, I love your polar bear! The colors and pattern of the scarf you created are really cool! And, great eyelashes :) Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on December 11, 2021
Tucker, I love your mittens - such a fun pattern! And, each of your snowflakes is so unique. You are so very creative. Love, Gramma
- Libby on December 8, 2021
Tucker….love the mittens! Grandpa
- Dave on December 8, 2021
Hi Tucker - You have created some really FUN looking mittens. We are flying home tomorrow and I hear we will need our mittens and warm coats. Your whole picture is just happy with the snowflakes floating around Miss you - see you soon. Love, LULU
- Carol on December 1, 2021
Tucker, I LOVE this! Your design on the mittens is so cool :) And, you know what, I think The Mitten is one of Cam and Mia’s favorite books. Love, mom
- Kate on December 1, 2021
Hi Tucker - That is a very cool and different looking snowflake. You are very creative. Did you know that every single snowflake is different from all the rest? Hope you're having a nice day - keep up the wonderful art. I love seeing it. Love, LULU
- Carol on November 17, 2021
This is really creative Tucker. Great job! Love, Gramma
- Libby on November 17, 2021
Tucker, it’s really amazing what you were able to create with bottle caps and popsicle sticks! I hope you weren’t doing bottle flips too :) And, I bet we’ll see some actual snowflakes soon :). Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on November 12, 2021
Tucker, I really love colors you chose. They are very "Matisse - like", and so vibrant. This is a really beautiful painting. Love, Gramma
- Libby on November 10, 2021
HI Tucker - You've managed to draw water with fish swimming - pretty hard I think, You're going to have to give me some lessons on how to do this. Wait til they have a basketball project in art! Love and hugs, LULU
- Carol on November 10, 2021
This is one of my favorite pieces of art that you’ve created! Love the bright colors! Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on November 6, 2021
Wow! This is pretty colorful! Grandpa
- Dave on October 13, 2021
Tucker, I am so glad you are learning about famous artists. I love the vivid colors and varied shapes you used to create this picture. Keep up the good work.
- Gramma Libby on October 13, 2021
Hi Tucker - Your art work has LOTS of cutting to do - the big red one at the top looks like a big bird to me - I like that the background is black - it makes it easy to see your art work. I'm really glad you had one that was purple - my favorite color I think. Love, LULU
- Carol on October 13, 2021
This is really neat, Tucker! Love how you used different colors and shapes! I’m wondering if your favorite color is red again?! :). Love, mom
- Kate (Mother) on October 12, 2021
- LULU on February 10, 2021
- Dave on February 3, 2021
Tucker, I am completely amazed by your artistic abilities. The chicken, duck, and bird are all drawn beautifully. Love you.
- Gramma Libby on January 27, 2021
Wow Tucker! This is a really great lion......with a great mane. I am amazed by your artistic ability, which has progressed so wonderfully this year.
- Gramma Libby on January 13, 2021
Love the Lion!
- David on January 13, 2021
Hi Tucker - What a great Lion - You'll have to go to the Zoo to see some real live Lions!! Keep up the good work! Love, LULU
- LuLU on January 13, 2021
Hi Tucker - VERY COOL!!! I thought snowflakes are white, but I love them with colors - very happy. Keep up the great art works! Love, LULU
- LULU on December 30, 2020
Wow! That is one colorful snowflake!
- David on December 23, 2020
HI Tucker - nice gingerbread man, bell and candy cane! You are a star - you forgot to make one of those!! Merry Christmas - Love and hugs and more hugs! LULU
- LULU on December 23, 2020
I hope grandma gets me a candy cane for christmas!
- David on December 23, 2020
Hi Tucker, I think this might be my favorite of all your art projects so far. It is such a peaceful winter scene. I love the 3D effect with the trees. This reminds me of snowshoeing at Camp Daggett with you. Love, Gramma
- Libby on December 23, 2020
Hi Tucker, I love this snowflake project. I didn't know snowflakes were symmetrical. Thanks for teaching us that! And next time we see you, you need to show me how you did this picture. Love, Gramma
- Libby on December 23, 2020
Love the trees - could we plant them in my front yard?
- David on December 16, 2020
Love the Blue Jay - is he in your yard?
- David on December 16, 2020
- CAROL on December 9, 2020
Tucker, I LOVE your snowman. He looks so happy watching it snow. And great scarf! Love, Gramma
- Libby on December 9, 2020
Is that a Jayhawk Snowman! Sure looks like one!
- David on December 9, 2020
That's a scary alligator!
- David on December 9, 2020
Hi Tucker - Glad you put the sun shining in your art!! Your trees are very good too. I love the pink nose on your camelion - and I don't know how to spell it. That's hard to draw - I could never do such a good job as you. Love, LULU
- Carol on November 25, 2020
I love chameleons!
- David on November 25, 2020
This is a great ladybug Tucker.....and love the leash. Very creative! Good luck taking your ladybug on a walk!
- Gramma Libby on November 18, 2020
We had a class on Rembrandt today - this is how he started!
- David on November 18, 2020
This is very clever, and you chose really pretty & colorful leaves. Great job Tucker!
- Gramma Libby on November 4, 2020
I didn't know that leaves could smile....
- David on November 4, 2020
Hi Tucker - I can see you have been busy collecting leaves for your collage. You found lots of different kinds of leaves - the top one looks like it has eyes on it! Hope you're having fun making all these art projects. Now when you are taking a walk you will know what kind of tree it is from the shape of the leaves! GOOD JOB! Love, LULU
- carol on November 4, 2020
Hi Tucker - What a fun pumpkin - I like your moon and stars - Pretty nice grass - lots of nice cutting to get that effect. Do you think your Pumpkin will need braces when he gets older? Keep cutting, pasting and creating fun projects. Hope this one is on your refrigerator in the kitchen, Love and hugs, LULU - Courtney and Lauren say hi from California!
- Carol on October 28, 2020
Beautiful rainbow Tucker. Very cheery! Love, Gramma
- Libby on October 21, 2020
Hi Tucker - Really good clouds above your rainbow! I love god smiles on each end. Love you tons. LULU
- Carol on October 21, 2020
Tucker, I love your chameleon. He has a really nice smile and is so cute! Love, Gramma
- Libby on October 14, 2020
This is really good Tucker - he is so cute with a beautiful smile! Love, Gramma
- Libby on October 14, 2020
Hello Tucker - I see a Happy pig on a skateboard you drew. I love the curly tail, ear, great eye and his big smile. Keep up the good work. Love, LULU
- Carol on October 14, 2020
Hello Tucker - I see a Happy pig on a skateboard you drew. I love the curly tail, ear, great eye and his big smile. Keep up the good work. Love, LULU
- Carol on October 14, 2020
Hi Tucker - You drew a HAPPY animal - looks like a pig - on a scooter!! Nice mouth , ear, and eye and I notice a curl at the end of its tail!! Love, LULU
- Carol on October 14, 2020
Hi Tucker - What an interesting collage - Lot of careful gluing and putting the pieces just where you want - I look forward to seeing more of your projects. Love you - tell Madison I say hi! Lulu
- Carol on October 14, 2020
Love the collage...
- Dave on October 14, 2020
Tucker - I love your artwork!
- Dave on October 7, 2020
- Carol on October 7, 2020
I LOVE your color monster Tucker! You are a much better artist than I ever was.
- Gramma Libby on September 30, 2020
Hi Tucker - I just LOVE your colorful monster - good job!! I know your art teacher . Tell her I say hi. Love and Hugs Lulu
- Carol on September 30, 2020
HI TUCKER, Good Job with your first art project in Kindergarten this year!! Keep up the great work. I'm happy you are doing so many fun things at school this year. You are a STAR!! Love, LULU
- Lulu on September 23, 2020