Kenzie Helmink
I was born and raised in Nebraska, and graduated from the University of Nebraska at Kearney in the winter of 2014. I'm currently in my third year of teaching and in the pursuit of my masters degree in Educational Administration from the University of Nebraska Lincoln. I coach middle school track, as I ran track and played softball during my college career. In my spare time I lead students in the high school Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Visual Arts Club, I enjoy rock climbing, hiking, Netflix binging, and doing anything outside. I've always dreamed of being a teacher so I love what I do, and I hope my enthusiasm for art inspires my students to be the best they can be and to think outside the box!
Megan Mousel
No biography available for this teacher.
Travis Coe
Mr. Coe currently teaches art to grades 9 through 12 at Crete High School -- 2018-present
7-12 Art @ Gothenburg Secondary School in Gothenburg, Nebraska -- 2006-2018 Education: Master of Education - Curriculum & Instruction -- Doane College 2012 Teaching Certification -- Doane College, 2006 Two Stumps Studios -- Mr. Coe's ceramic studio 2002-2006 Glass Apprentice to Tom Kreager, Hastings College 2001-2002 Bachelor of Fine Arts - Majoring in Studio Art, with emphasis in ceramics, glass and printmaking; Minor in Visual Communication and Design -- Univ. of Nebraska @ Kearney, 2001 |
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