Meet Travis Coe
from Crete High School
Crete, Nebraska
Mr. Coe currently teaches art to grades 9 through 12 at Crete High School -- 2018-present
7-12 Art @ Gothenburg Secondary School in Gothenburg, Nebraska -- 2006-2018
Master of Education - Curriculum & Instruction -- Doane College 2012
Teaching Certification -- Doane College, 2006
Two Stumps Studios -- Mr. Coe's ceramic studio 2002-2006
Glass Apprentice to Tom Kreager, Hastings College 2001-2002
Bachelor of Fine Arts - Majoring in Studio Art, with emphasis in ceramics, glass and printmaking; Minor in Visual Communication and Design -- Univ. of Nebraska @ Kearney, 2001
Personal Art Gallery
added on 10/1/2015