The Classical Academy
Escondido, California
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The next award will be earned after publishing 5,000 artworks! This award is almost earned!
Welcome to the Classical Academy's Artsonia Museum page. The Classical Academy is a public charter school located in Escondido, California. The visual arts are one of our core values that help us nurture a well-rounded student. One way we value art at our school is through an Art in Action program. In this program, volunteer docents use prints by well-known artists to teach our students a little about the artist and lead them in an art activity based on that artist's work or technique. We cover concepts such as line, texture, color, perspective, portrait, and 3-D shapes. We also offer other classes in Art.
We hope you enjoy our museum, and we deeply thank you for your support of the visual arts. The money generated through Artsonia purchases will help purchase art supplies for the school. Thank you!
No artwork has been published to this school.