This is the artwork we would have displayed for the Shine Bright Art Show (Ms.Griffin's students)! Please enjoy these artworks. If your students work is not here, it may not have been completed or photographed before we began this show or privacy settings may not be approved for public showing. Here is the project descriptions:
Kindergarten: Mouse Paint Palettes
In this lesson, we read the story “Mouse Paint” by Ellen Walsh. We noticed the colors that were created when the mice mixed their primary colors. We used our own paint mixing to create primary and secondary color paint splats. We Finished our pieces by creating our own clay mice. We used model magic clay to make all the important parts of a mouse: the head, ears, and tails. We glued our mice on the matching paint to help them camouflage from the cat!
First Grade: Bee and Macchia Prints
In this lesson, We learned about artist Dale Chihuly and his amazing glass work! He is known for his glass macchia, or flowers. We used coffee filters and starch to mix our favorite primary colors and make our own Macchia flowers. Then we learned about how bees help flowers grow. We used found objects and printmaking techniques to create our honeycomb. We finished our piece by drawing Bees from observation to complete our printed pieces!
Second Grade: Painted Paper Landscape Collage
In this lesson, we started by painting paper with various printmaking techniques, such as rolling marbles, printing with forks or sponges, and even rollers! We then looked at parodies of the art made by artist Thomas Kinkade, who was known for his whimsical landscapes. We explored his work and found that each landscape has a foreground, middle ground and a background! Using our painted papers, we created our own landscapes with objects in the foreground, middle ground, and background. We practiced cutting and overlapping our papers to create a more realistic sense of depth in our drawings. Now we know one kind of perspective!
Third Grade: Stylized Paper Totem Pole Animals
In this lesson we learned about totem poles created by Native American Tribes in the Pacific NorthWest of the United States. Totem poles were used to tell stories or events that happened to families that lived there. We learned that totem poles were highly stylized, changing or exaggerating features of animals that lived near their homes. Some animals were very expressive!
Fourth Grade: Abstract Art and Music
In this lesson, we explored the work of Wassily Kandinsky, a famous abstract painter, and Melissa McKracken a synesthetic artist. We learned that some artists interpret sounds into colors and shapes. We created our own abstract painting compositions to match the composition of a song. Students learned how to create using their own feeling and choice, using shapes and color to represent something else. We also learned how to create a successful composition by overlapping and filling our space.
Fifth Grade: Four Letter Words of Encouragement
In this lesson students learned about one-point perspective, a way to show depth in artwork. First we practiced creating basic shapes in perspective. We practiced drawing orthogonal lines to the vanishing point from many points of view. Then we picked a four letter word that reminds us of a positive experience at school. Using principles of typography, students picked a typeface or font that matched the mood of their message. Finally, students used perspective and watercolor techniques to create unity and variety in their work.
Sixth Grade: Abstract Mood Relief
In this lesson, we explored abstract work from many artists including Karri Allrich and Osnat Tzadok. We then explored how mood is expressed through shape and color through the studies and research of Molly Bang. First students chose an extreme mood. They broke that mood into simple emotions.Then students created a relief sculpture of shapes using cardboard to express that mood. They completed their work by painting colors on that relief, emphasizing one part using color, pattern, or size.
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