It's math! It's art! It's MathArt! Students have heard me mention SYMMETRY many times-- but Reflective Symmetry is a little more complex. Reflective or Reflection symmetry is a type of symmetry which is with respect to reflections. Reflection symmetry is also known as line symmetry or mirror symmetry. It states that if there exists at least one line that divides a figure into two halves, one half is the mirror image of the other half. What is on one side of the line- must be a mirror image on the other side of the line. In this practice art, they had a sheet divided into 4 equal squares and a line right down the center, that divided their insect in half. They had to create the mirror image in the two boxes to the right of the line, there by creating a full insect. In math they might find that Triangles have 3 lines of symmetry, Squares have four, Pentagons use 5 lines of symmetry, Rectangles have a horizontal and vertical line of symmetry, but do NOT have symmetry on a diagonal line. (Neither do parallelograms). Wow! I just mathed!
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MathArt! Reflective Symmetry
Jun 11, 2024 · slideshow (29 art)