ACA Virtual Learning 4th qtr Art Show

Slideshow from Arizona Charter Academy (posted on May 7, 2020)
ACA is proud to present the 4th quarter Art Show.
These are a few of the many drawings we worked on this quarter.
We have covered many topics from Greece and The Parthenon and to African Masks, Self-Portraits, Portraits of George Washington and Mona Lisa.
Drawing Landscapes, Animals from Arizona, Australia, Africa and Cartoon Characters by request.
Zoom has been a fun new experience. We have read books and become illustrators and talked about how art helps us grow.
Thank you to all the parents and students who directly uploaded their artwork to Artsonia or sent the photo's directly to me.
Enjoy the Art show and the summer break.
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Dec 7, 2020 · slideshow (72 art)
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ACA Virtual Learning 4th qtr Art Show
May 7, 2020 · slideshow (68 art)