Visual metamorphosis is the term used to indicate shape-shifting in art. It allows an artist to transform a shape representing one item into a similar shape representing something else. This, in turn, allows one meaning to be hidden behind another.
Dislocation is placing a familiar object into an unfamiliar setting. You would not expect to find a lobster sitting on a phone. Dislocation is often used with scale change.
Joining two or more realistic objects to create a new impossible surreal image The Surrealists like to put together crazy things that we wouldn't normally associate with one another. They might compare a head to a shoe, or a door to a snake, or a cup to a tree.
Levitation. an object appears to float or fly that could not in real life. (a special type of dislocation)
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7th_Manipulated Surrealism
Nov 9, 2024 · slideshow (0 art)