I still remember learning how to draw using perspective way back when I was in grade school. I even remember my art teacher’s name. Even though I wasn’t a super artist, she always was so nice and always encouraged us to enjoy creating art. I had a hard time using the principles of perspective in my work; I’m still not good at it. I’m glad that you're leaning this technique and then you are assessing your own work. Next time you draw using perspective you’ll have a better feel for it. So, a painting always says something to the viewer: I’m wondering if those buildings are houses, and I’m really curious as to wear that road would take me if I drove it right out of the picture, where would I be? Let me know your thoughts.
- Nancy on October 26, 2021
I just love the idea of a Rainbow explosion. It would be beautiful to watch. I’m wondering if the pieces would actually fall to the ground, would they feel wet, could you pick up the pieces, could you put the pieces together to make something - like a painting, a collage, or could you form the pieces into a vase? Lots of questions. I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.
- Nancy on October 26, 2021
So pretty. Love the colors!
- Susan (Mother) on October 22, 2021
Great work Sam. You shared with me how you love drawing flowers.
- Susan (Mother) on October 22, 2021
This one is so much fun. Love their faces
- Susan (Mother) on October 22, 2021
I've enjoyed watching you learn this technique. And thank you for teaching it to me!)
- Susan (Mother) on October 22, 2021
I just LOVE this one and cannot wait to frame it
- Susan (Mother) on October 22, 2021
I love this puppy, but especially love that you are sewing!!! Maybe you and I can do some sewing this summer and knitting, for sure! Did you name the pup? I think Dovy would be good - nickname Dove Chocolate.
- Nancy on October 20, 2021
OK. Send this pot my way! I’m hoping there is some chocolate in there...some milk chocolate, some dark chocolate, some chocolate crunch and a chocolate bunny. And, of course, some jelly beans and lots and lots of gold. I love St. Patrick’s Day because it’s a happy celebration, and it means that spring is in its way.????
- Nancy on April 21, 2021
This puppy is so adorable, and he must also be a smart puppy because he’s sitting by a fire to keep warm. I think “Smarty” would be a good name for this pup. You managed to draw such a happy face on him/her.??. Well done!
- Nancy on February 3, 2021
I like the pastel colors in this house. I am interested in how your art teacher guides you in making 3-dimensional pieces like this. How many times a week do you have Art and can you talk to your art teacher online?
- Nancy on February 3, 2021
I love this turkey. What is his or her name?
- Jeff on December 25, 2020
I always enjoy looking at your artwork.??. The intense colors are gorgeous, and they are the cool colors - my favorites. Is there a girl in the window at the top of the tower on the left? It looks to me like she’s reading; is she reading something? What is she reading? Or is she a prisoner in the tower like Rapunzel? Or maybe it’s all a dream because I think the castle is on a cloud. I really want to discuss this piece with you!!!????
- Nancy on December 25, 2020
Sammy, this piece is my newest “favorite”. The colors are so vibrant, but it’s the expressions on the faces that really intrigue me. I just keep looking and looking and turning the piece around and around. I love the turquoise, sleeping face with the tongue sticking out. I might have to get a print of this one.
- Nancy on November 11, 2020
All I can say about this one is, “Yum”!!!!!
- Nancy on February 5, 2020
All I can say about this one is, “Yum”!!!!!
- Nancy on February 5, 2020
The minute that I looked at this piece I thought of Easter eggs. The colors are absolutely beautiful. I like the way that you varied the ways you filled in the numerals. It’s especially nice seeing all the “springy” pastel colors especially in the middle of winter when there isn’t much color to see outside, and the colors we do see are kind of blah! I always look forward to seeing your artwork online. ??
- Nancy on February 5, 2020
These Christmas lights actually look like they’re glowing! Did you use pastels to do this? I like the way the lights go right off the edge of the paper. I was just trying to imagine how low this string of lights is...does it go on and on forever and is this is just a section of it? Or maybe it’s a string of lights that will be put on a tree or maybe it will go along the rooftop of a house. Do you like it when people outline their houses with Christmas lights? I always love seeing your artwork.
- Nancy on February 5, 2020
This piece makes me think of the elevated highways criss-crossing across Miami. When grandpa and I moved there (your mama was 5 years old) I didn’t think I’d ever figure out where the highways went or how I would ever learn to drive them. All the little drawn figures in your piece are the people scurrying around the city. The bright and varied colors stand for all the different kinds of people who live in Miami. Interesting piece.??
- Nancy on December 18, 2019
This piece looks like it could be used to design a pin for a lady to wear in a dress or it could become a pendant to wear on a necklace. Just imagine all of those colors being presented as gem stones!!! The center could be a big blue sapphire surrounded by white diamonds and then a circle of yellow sapphires... All the purple could be amethysts and so on... Wouldn’t it be gorgeous?!?!?!? Love it!??
- Nancy on December 18, 2019
This one may be my favorite. Love you
- Jeff on November 20, 2019
Oh Sammy I love this one. Those guys look so happy. I love seeing your work. Love you and keep up the good work.
- Jeff on November 20, 2019
Hi Sammy, I just love this guy. You make me so proud. -- Jeff
- on June 19, 2019
This looks like a labyrinth. Do you know what a labyrinth is? There is a church near my house that has a labyrinth path. Sometimes I take Sophia and we walk to the church and we walk around the labyrinth. It is a good way to just to just calm your thoughts. There’s a bench there too and after we’re done walking I sit on the bench for a while and Sophia takes a little nap. In the winter I sit on the bench and let the sun warm my face if it’s a cold but sunny day. I bet you now know what shape a labyrinth is!!?? -- Nancy
- on June 19, 2019
I think this piece could be made into a wonderful puzzle. There are so many different shapes and colors and varying shades of colors. Imagine it as a puzzle and think of trying to get all those shapes and colors back together as a whole piece. I think it would be a challenging puzzle. Do you agree? -- Nancy
- on April 3, 2019
I love the smile on Cat’s face. He looks a little shy. What do you think? We’ll have to chat about that. I wonder if you think about the results you want when you’re creating your art work. I would like to give him a hug.?? -- Nancy
- on April 3, 2019
Sammy I love this guy - he is so happy and full of love, just like you! We are so proud of you -- Susan
- on February 6, 2019
Sammy, I absolutely love this one. I think it might be my favorite one, definitely in the top 3. I love seeing all of your new artwork. I am so proud of you. I love you so much and keep up the good work. -- Jeff
- on February 6, 2019
Is that cardinal waving at me? What a friendly little guy. I don’t know how they can sit out in the snow for so long! But i’m glad they can because their their beautiful red color warms up our winter white. their beautiful red -- Nancy
I would like the orange gum ball, please. Yum! -- Nancy
- on January 23, 2019
I think this robot is all ready to give me a hug. And I will give him a big hug back. He has such a kind face. I would like to know him.?? -- Nancy
- on January 23, 2019
YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s all I can say about this. YIKES!!!!!!!!p -- Nancy
- on January 23, 2019
This is one glamourous-looking cat. I have seen many beautiful cats in my lifetime, but never one that looks like this. Her pastel colors are so soft and lovely. If she were my real-life cat I would name her Pastel. -- Nancy
- on January 23, 2019
Oh, Elf on a Shelf, you look so happy just sitting there watching over the children in the house. I wonder if you ever catch anyone being naughty. I hope not. -- Nancy
- on January 23, 2019
This looks like a very flirty ??. I would like to know what kind of mascara she uses because her eyelashes look great! I just hope it’s waterproof masacara or else she is going to be a mess when she goes in the water!!!!!! -- Nancy
- on January 23, 2019
Everybody loves hearts! Your checkerboard heart piece is so unusual. It makes me think of a quilt. I’m interested to know if you picked your own colors. We’ll have to chat about this piece when we see you next week. Can’t wait.?? -- Grandma
- on March 21, 2018
Your piece shows such energy. The sky looks “alive” and made me think of shooting stars, balloons, parties and celebrations. It also made me think back to being on the beach in Florida one evening when a group of people released candles in little bags, and they all floated across the sky. Isn’t it amazing how many memories come to mind when you look at a piece of art. Just wonderful! Your great-grandmother, my mother, who was a very talented, trained artist, would just love seeing all the creative things you’re doing!?? -- Nancy
- on January 25, 2018
Sammy we love this happy colorful piece of art -- Susan
- on June 28, 2017
Is this a Rainbowsaurus?!?! I think it just be. I'm wondering if he or she has to eat foods of all her colors to keep her colors bright. For instance, does she eat watermelon for her red stripes and lemonade for her yellow stripes and so on. And what happens if she doesn't eat the correct colored fruits? You and I will have to chat about this.?? -- Nancy
- on June 28, 2017
YUM! -- Nancy
- on May 31, 2017
I think we should name this Ladybug, "Huggy Buggy". She looks very happy. Maybe she's so happy because it's finally spring. Yea! -- Nancy
- on May 31, 2017
Don't you just ?? Valentine's Day!? I like the little heart in the center of the big heart. I also like that the small heart is very different from the mosaic rectangles. Happy Valentine's Day from me! -- Nancy
- on February 23, 2017
These bears make me smile every time I look at them! -- Nancy
- on February 23, 2017
YUM!!! This is a very tall candy cane. I'm thinking that if I started eating it right now, one lick at a time, I might not get done until next Christmas! Of course, next Christmas you can make a new one ! ?? -- Nancy
- on January 4, 2017
I wish turkeys really came in these colors!!! Wouldn't that be fun? -- Nancy
- on November 23, 2016
This piece has such energy! it makes me feel like dancing around. I love the intense colors. -- Nancy
- on November 23, 2016
I love the look on this owl's face. He (or she) looks a little shy or maybe he's feeling a little bit nervous about something. I think he could use a hug.?? He should cheer up because it's much better to be an owl than to be a turkey at this time of year!!! I really like how the delicate leaves are falling down around the owl. -- Nancy
- on November 23, 2016
Sammy! We love this picture what a great job! -- Momma & Daddy
- on November 2, 2016
Sammy I love this pumpkin! Nice job kiddo xoxox -- Mom