Samantha23014's Portfolio

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I still remember learning how to draw using perspective way back when I was in grade school. I even remember my art teacher’s name. Even though I wasn’t a super artist, she always was so nice and always encouraged us to enjoy creating art. I had a hard time using the principles of perspective in my work; I’m still not good at it. I’m glad that you're leaning this technique and then you are assessing your own work. Next time you draw using perspective you’ll have a better feel for it. So, a painting always says something to the viewer: I’m wondering if those buildings are houses, and I’m really curious as to wear that road would take me if I drove it right out of the picture, where would I be? Let me know your thoughts.
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is donated to the school arts program
Reading Fleming Intermediate
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F A Desmares Elementary School (K-4)
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