Kiran435's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Kiran435's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Kiran - This is such a great use of all the things you love to spell your name. So beautiful. Love, Poppa
- Poppa on September 25, 2024
Dear Kiran. What a great picture for this time of year. This morning, in Armonk, it’s 14 degrees outside! So those earmuffs really come in handy. Love Poppa
- Poppa on January 24, 2024
Kiran - This work is amazing The colors go perfectly together and the proportions of the body are excellent. Great job. Love, Poppa
- Poppa on January 24, 2024
Dear Kiran - I loved your latest work. I think yellow was the perfect color to go with the black paper and white drawing. Your use of the white cross hatching and shading really worked well. Great job. Can’t wait to see you in Maryland. Love Poppa
- Poppa on November 29, 2023
Dear Kiran - What a beautiful avocado. I can almost imagine it turning into delicious guacamole. Keep up the good work. Love, Poppa
- Poppa on November 29, 2023
Kiran - When I first saw the painting I thought it was an original Grant Wood! Great work. Keep it up.
- Poppa on November 29, 2023
Dear Kiran - Your painting looks like an original Van Gogh. The sun flowers vase really shows that you understand his colors and his brush strokes. Great job. Love you
- Poppa on May 10, 2023
Dear Kiran - What a beautiful collage. I would love to live in such a colorful city with buildings of such interesting shapes. Great work. Love you
- Poppa on May 10, 2023
Kiran- what a great picture. A beautiful rainbow in the sky and an amazing world under the water. Keep up the good work. Love you.
- Poppa on May 10, 2023
Kir- I love this portrait and how you used the artists’ style and influence! Lovely!
- Mom on October 12, 2022
Hi Kiran, I absolutely love your picture in the style of Frida Kahlo! I think she is a great artist and you have captured her essence. Poppa and I went to the Frida Kahlo museum in Mexico City two years ago. It was in her home, The Blue House. Wonderful to see all her paintings, furniture and belongings, Maybe one day we can all go together. Love you so much Grandma
- Grandma on June 16, 2021
Hi Kiran, I absolutely love your picture in the style of Frida Kahlo! I think she is a great artist and you have captured her essence. Poppa and I went to the Frida Kahlo museum in Mexico City two years ago. It was in her home, The Blue House. Wonderful to see all her paintings, furniture and belongings, Maybe one day we can all go together. Love you so much Grandma
- Grandma on June 16, 2021
Hi Kiran, What a fascinating picture. So many interesting shapes and colors. Love to discuss with you. Love, Grandma
- Carole on June 16, 2021
Kiran, your painting is amazing! Colors are so beautiful and bright.Vase is such a vivid blue. Entire composition is beautiful! Keep painting. You are so creative. Love you so very much, Grandma and Poppa
- Carole(fan) on March 17, 2021
Kiran is truly helpful, smart and kind. Great artist!
- Carole(fan) on March 3, 2021
Beautiful scene! Love the colors of sky and mountains!
- Carole(fan) on March 3, 2021
Great colors! Fabulous art! Amazing artist! Love Grandma
- Carole(fan) on March 3, 2021
Great artist! Love the colors! Love the artist! Grandma
- Carole(fan) on March 3, 2021