Samuel21136's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Samuel21136's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Samuel, Your Mandala Shield is awesome and quite revealing. I understand that the top two quadrants are to represent strengths that you think you have. Well being "creative" is a fantastic trait for sure. You will certainly not be a boring person. and creativity shows who you are. Even better is the strength of being Positive. With that trait you are truly destined for success in your life. "Yes, of course, sure." I LOVE THAT ONE! Your Mom and Dad are two of the most positive people on planet Earth! The lower left is supposed to be a challenging quadrant and being "talkative" may seem negative but I think it could almost be a terrific trait as well. Conversing with people is how you learn things and it exudes confidence. Talk all you want "blah, blah, blah" but as a salesman you need to LISTEN to your customer's needs as well. It's always a good general courtesy to listen to others too. The fourth (lower right) quadrant is supposed to be a family strength and it is definitely one of yours for sure. You have a TON of energy. That is why you are always first in your family to everything. You don't mess around and that is a good thing! So, the middle circle is the essence of who you are. I think it is great that you love basketball. Having some type of athletics is essential. All the drawings are well drawn and very colorful. It is a terrific and very descriptive Mandala. Well done buddy. Love you. Grandpa Irizarry.
- Rodney on February 19, 2025
Wow. That is a boot that would definitely get everyone's attention. There is a lot going on and that's why everyone would want to buy it. I love the spur on the back and the pirate looking fellow with the captain hook hand. I wouldn't mess with him. There is so much detail on the straps below the pirate and the strap at the top with the star which is helpful to use to put the boot on. Smart thinking. Great job with this artwork. Always proud of you Sam and love you like crazy. Grandpa Irizarry
- Rodney on February 12, 2025
Great colorful artwork Sam! Looks like it's Devils Tower in Wyoming but with water near by. You really covered everything. Sun, sky, mountain, forest, sand and water. Well done! I like how you put it all into a circle frame inside of a rectangle frame. Next time put your Grandpa Irizarry in the picture somewhere. Ha! No, don't do that. It will ruin the artwork. Ha. Keep up the good work buddy. Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas! Take care of your brothers. See you in PR! Love you. Grandpa Irizarry.
- Rodney on March 27, 2024
Samuel, Your paper sculpture mask has a lot of colors and parts to it. It looks like you really put a lot of work into it. Well done buddy. For example, each eye looks so realistic and it was made from three different parts and colors. He has Irizarry thick, bushy eyebrows too. I hope he does not have any hair in his nose! Ha! He must have just gotten a hair cut because it is nice and straight. He is lucky that it does not take long to brush his teeth since he only has three to worry about. His horns are cool since each one is different from the other. Great job buddy. I think it's great. Take care of your brothers! Love you. Grandpa Irizarry
- Rodney on February 22, 2023
Samuel, I love all the different patterns you have on the body of your Guitar. They all fit on the front like a jigsaw puzzle. You even have the normal standard correct number of "Tuning Pegs" on the end. I bet you did not know that is what they are called. They tighten up the strings so the guitar is tuned up and sounds on key. You have skillfully cut out the exact shape of a guitar on the paper. Well done. Keep up the good work in school! Love you. Grandpa Irizarry
- Rodney on November 2, 2022
WOW! There is a lot going on in this underwater painting. Great job! First of all that is a cool submarine. I hope the excellently done Giant Octopus does not get it. It is as big as the submarine. That guy riding the wave on his surf board was sure lucky that wave popped up to help him get away from that eel with the teeth. Hopefully he can ride the wave over to the boat and jump in. Lucky the big shark down below does not get him. The Deep Sea diver better look out as well. I hope one of the boats does not forget about him. You did a great job using the colors to show the sea bottom, the sea and the sky. Your jellyfish look like they sure enjoy just hanging out floating around. Excellent underwater painting! I can't wait to see you and your brothers in a couple of weeks. Love you. Grandpa Irizarry
- Rodney on March 16, 2022
Sam, Great job on the Lupines and butterfly. You know, Miss Rumphius planted the lupines in the wild because she wanted to make the world a more beautiful place but none of them were more beautiful than my Grandson Sam's lupines, I'll tell you that much! They are very well done buddy. I like the way you painted the sky behind it as well instead of leaving it as the white paper. The butterfly is very colorful and cool how you make it look close to the viewer and make it look like it is flying to the lupines. That is called "Aerial Perspective" in painting! Ha! Bet you did not know your Grandpa was so smart! Great job and keep ups the good work. Have a great Birthday coming soon! Love you. Grandpa Irizarry.
- Rodney on June 9, 2021
Looks like you have made a Yellow Submarine! That was a famous movie when I was your age that featured the singing group The Beatles! Your car is way better though. It is very colorful and looks like there is a big gear right in the front that makes the car very powerful and fast! The tires are really big so it can clear anything on land I bet. You can tell it is in the sea with all the fish swimming all around it. That is cool that it can go both in the ocean and on land! You will be a millionaire if you make one in real life. Great job buddy. Can't wait to see you. Love you. Grandpa Irizarry
- Rodney on March 17, 2021
Sam, I love your magical dragon. It is really cool how you used both paint and markers to do such a colorful dragon! It is really long too. I wouldn't want to get hit with any of those spikes on his back. Yikes! You did great work drawing so many of them on him. It looks like one of those Lunar New Year dragons. As you know, the Lunar New Year is the beginning of a calendar year whose months are cycles of the moon. The relevant calendar may be a purely lunar calendar or a lunisolar calendar. I know you know that but just thought I would mention it. Can't wait to see you and your brothers soon. Your Mom and Dad too of course. Take care and keep up the good work. Love you buddy. Grandpa.
- Rodney on February 17, 2021
Sam, What a cool, colorful dragon! He looks like he is getting ready to take off for a flight somewhere with those nice, aerodynamic (big word-ask your Mom and Dad) wings. Lots of great detail work in the eyes, toes, ears, legs, tail and body. Fantastic! Keep up the good work. You sure draw a lot better than I did at your age. Way to go buddy. Take care of your brothers and your great Mom and Dad. They are all the best! I love you and miss you like crazy! Take care buddy. Love, Grandpa
- Rodney on June 20, 2020
Samuel, I love your Samuel Van Gogh Sunflowers. I think you are a better artist than Vincent Van Gogh. You really took the time to fill the background with a beautiful blue sky. Well done! Beautiful yellow flower petals and the black center just like the real thing. I love your sunflowers and I love you too! Take care of yourself and your brothers. Love you. Grandpa.
- Rodney on January 15, 2020
Great job on the three non blind mice! I love the primary and secondary colors you used under the mice. What are their names? Are they brothers? You can name them Owen, Ezra and Sam! Ha! I am very proud of you for all the great detail with the eyelashes, whiskers, and hair on top of their heads. Terrific buddy! Do they know how to play UNO? Grandma and I had fun playing UNO with you on our last visit. Keep up the good work. Love you. Grandpa.
- Rodney on January 8, 2020