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Samuel, Your Mandala Shield is awesome and quite revealing. I understand that the top two quadrants are to represent strengths that you think you have. Well being "creative" is a fantastic trait for sure. You will certainly not be a boring person. and creativity shows who you are. Even better is the strength of being Positive. With that trait you are truly destined for success in your life. "Yes, of course, sure." I LOVE THAT ONE! Your Mom and Dad are two of the most positive people on planet Earth! The lower left is supposed to be a challenging quadrant and being "talkative" may seem negative but I think it could almost be a terrific trait as well. Conversing with people is how you learn things and it exudes confidence. Talk all you want "blah, blah, blah" but as a salesman you need to LISTEN to your customer's needs as well. It's always a good general courtesy to listen to others too. The fourth (lower right) quadrant is supposed to be a family strength and it is definitely one of yours for sure. You have a TON of energy. That is why you are always first in your family to everything. You don't mess around and that is a good thing! So, the middle circle is the essence of who you are. I think it is great that you love basketball. Having some type of athletics is essential. All the drawings are well drawn and very colorful. It is a terrific and very descriptive Mandala. Well done buddy. Love you. Grandpa Irizarry.