Always enjoy viewing your latest art projects! This one is very interesting with the use of colors, subject matter and perspective. Look forward to actually seeing it.
- Robert on February 6, 2025
Loved your latest project so I’ve ordered it as a refrigerator magnet. Love it!
- Kathleen on January 30, 2025
Nicely done Ethan!
- Robert on November 14, 2024
Very Nice!
- Kathleen on January 3, 2024
Nice job Ethan! Loved the idea of motion you created. Also great fall colors.
- Kathleen(fan) on January 3, 2024
Nicely done Ethan. Liked you subject matter and coloring skills.
- Robert on June 14, 2023
Very cute! Like the alien in the flying saucer :)
- Kathleen on April 5, 2023
Ethan I continue to be surprised at the good ideas that you have. Often that is the hardest part. Very creative!
- Kathleen on February 8, 2023
Nice job! Creative use of colors.
- Kathleen on October 28, 2022
Good Job. Loved the bright color and shape!
- Kathleen on March 30, 2022
Looks good Ethan! You are so creative!
- Suzanne (Mother) on March 8, 2022
I love this night scene, Ethan! The colors are beautiful!
- Aunt Kristin on December 29, 2021
Wow Ethan such a good job shading and showing the color scale of blue! I love blue!
- Kara on June 23, 2020
Ethan love the line work on your flower! From a distance I thought it was embroidery! Very cool.
- Kara on June 2, 2020
Oh Ethan this is such a pretty flower! I wish it was growing in my garden! Maybe you can paint me one when you visit.
- Kathleen on June 2, 2020
Ethan you are so artistic. The sand castle you made is so colorful. it must have been so much fun making them at the beach. I am looking forward to more beautiful paintings. Love you, Lola
- Vivian on May 20, 2020
I love love love this painting! Ethan you are such an Artist like your mommy and Pop Pop.
- Kathleen on May 6, 2020
I love this painting Ethan! Your mom looks brave and strong! Nurses rock!
- Kristin on May 6, 2020
I see you added color to last weeks project. You are such a good artist for s kindergartener.
- Kathleen on April 1, 2020
Nice job Ethan! Did your mom or teacher show you pictures of Picasso’s paintings?
- Kathleen on April 1, 2020
I love your drawing! Keep up the good work! Your Mommy and Aunt Kara loved to draw also.
- Kathleen on March 25, 2020
I love it! This is so cute! Googly eyes rock!
- Aunt Kristin on March 12, 2020
The turtle is so cute. You do such a nice job in art class.
- Kathleen on March 12, 2020
Love it Ethan!
- Suzanne (Mother) on February 24, 2020
Ethan you are so creative. So proud of you. Love you, Lola
- Vivian on February 24, 2020
Ethan you are so creative. So proud of you. Love you, Lola
- Vivian on February 24, 2020
Ethan I love this picture! It is my favorite. I love your use of color and how it is evenly distributed. Your picture is perfectly balanced! I also love all the details in the trees!
- Kara on February 5, 2020
Ethan we are proud of your artwork. You are continuing to make beautiful pictures.
- Vivian on February 5, 2020
Great job on the penguin Ethan! I remember you saying you were working on a collage! Nice to see all the art skills you are learning.
- Kathleen on January 29, 2020
Love it! Good job Ethan!
- Suzanne (Mother) on January 10, 2020
Such a nice picture Ethan! You go nice art work!
- Kathleen on January 10, 2020
Great job Ethan. The colors are so attractive. Love, Lola
- Lola on November 27, 2019
Nice job Ethan! I love it!
- Suzanne on November 18, 2019
This is my favorite one so far! Great job!
- Suzanne (Mother) on October 21, 2019
Looks great Ethan!
- Suzanne (Mother) on October 21, 2019
We love your art work Ethan. You are such a good listener! Love Mimi and Pop Pop
- Kathleen on October 23, 2019
Good job Ethan! You can teach me about color wheels when we visit!
- Kathleen on October 16, 2019
Pop Pop and I are so proud of your art project! I know you love to paint! Love Mimi