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Found 117 lesson plans matching your search
Wheels on the Bus
by Eileen Collins
Mixed Media Trumpets
by Lynette Robinson
Carnival of the Animals
by Caroline Carson
Art of Music
by Ashleigh Garrett
Swan Reflections
by Lynette Robinson
2 Way Mirror (Now & When I'm 100 Years Old
by Deanna Watkins
Tint And Shade Bumblebees
by Lynette Robinson
Rhythm and Repetition
by Amber Rogers
Pablo Picasso Instruments
by Lynette Robinson
What's My Line
by William Neagle
Historical Skit Mask
by Jenell Novello
Study of Jackson Pollock
by Susan Braun
Art III & IV Robert Longo Self-Portraits
by Peg Archambault
Tim Burton Inspired art
by Caitlin Knore
Papier Mache Pots
by Rachel Stockbridge
Subtractive Micrography Portrait
by Jenell Novello
Present your work!
by Julia Garnett
My own minion
by Bonita Taggart