Meet the Teachers  at Proviso West High School (Hillside, Illinois)

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Sean Shipley
Sean Shipley came to Proviso West in 2001 and has worked hard to turn E-138 into a Ceramics studio. The Ceramics 1 students experience the basics of hand building and receive an introduction to Wheel Throwing. (Ceramic 2 students expand upon the basics to go bigger and better, they also have the option of using the Wheel for the entire first quarter to improve their skills. The final step in the Ceramic curriculum is independent Study were the students are engaged to create Portfolio pieces and learn the ... read more
This teacher has submitted their own personal artwork!
Click here to view their gallery.
Alison Rozell
No biography available for this teacher.
Dan Doyle
No biography available for this teacher.
Jerry Jenkins - Retired
Retired teacher in 2016-2017 school year. Thank-you to all the parents for their support over the years for the art program and their talented artists.