Mary Ann Clawson
God is the has given me the gift of creativity I think all people have this gift. We are created in His image and He is the first artist. So we are all made to create art. Sometimes we just need help getting the art out.
Statement OF Faith, Mary Ann Clawson God is my Father, my Creator, my Healer, and my Friend. Jesus is the son of God come down in the form of man. He took our sins and died in our place. Jesus was put in the tomb and was raised up on the third day. All those who believe in him sha ... read morell be saved. Jesus took my beatings that I would be healed and took my sins that I may live. Jesus is my Savior, my Friend, my life, and all that is good with in me. The Bible is the word of God written by man inspired of the Holy Spirit. I believe every word is true and has power to do what it says. God’s word is a light for my path and a lamp unto my feet. and is sharper than a two edged sword. The Father, Son, and Spirit form the trinity. All three were together from creation. All three are as one but has three purposes. The Holy Spirit gave power to the word and helps us walk in the ways of the father. He also leads to the saving grace of Jesus. I belief the dead are instantly where they will spend eternity. Satan is a liar out to kill, and destroy everyone. He was a great angel who was kicked out of heaven because He thought He was greater than God. One day at judgment He will take His place in the lake of fire with all those He has pulled with him. I believe everyone must be saved threw Jesus no one comes to our Father except the way of the cross. I believe we must be water baptized, completely under water, and in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe we will be resurrected by Christ and will spend eternity with him. We are the Bride waiting for our Groom to come and get us.