Meet the Teachers  at Imagination Station (Red Hook, New York)

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Norine Peyton
Born in Hawaii, raised in Tokyo, graduating from the Int'l School of the Sacred Heart. Attending Barnard College, received a BA from UC Berkeley. Since 2001, Imagination Station has been in operation as an after-school art enrichment program for children (ages 4-12) in the Red Hook, NY region.
Norine Peyton
Graduate of Cal, Berkeley with a BA in Liberal Arts, Norine also attended Barnard College (Columbia U) and Boston College, where she took classes in art history, studio art, anthropology, etc. She opened Imagination Station 6 years ago as an after-school enrichment program. Her approach to teaching is to provide students with an understanding of art history and to let them "explore" a wide variety of mediums, techniques, approaches for their creative expression.