Meet the Teachers  at Lewis-Palmer Middle School (Monument, Colorado)

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Jackie Cirbo
No biography available for this teacher.
Heather Pochatek
My name is Heather Pochatek, and this is my thirteenth year teaching art at Lewis-Palmer Middle School. I have been teaching art for 25 years!! I received my undergraduate degree in Art Education from Cleveland State University in Ohio and my Masters in Art Education from Fitchburg State College in Massachusetts. I truly enjoy teaching Middle-Level Students! They have great enthusiasm and are not afraid to take risks! I look forward to sharing your child's work with you!
In my free time, I enjoy painting, bookmaking, crochet, soap making, and many other crafts. I also love to fly fish, play tennis & ski with my husband, Brian
This teacher has submitted their own personal artwork!
Click here to view their gallery.
Jennifer Havelka
No biography available for this teacher.