Amy Powell
Hello! I am so excited to be your students' art teacher! I love teaching art even more that I love making it because it is a thrill and a joy each time a student amazes me with their ideas and creativity. Personally, I enjoy painting and that is my favorite thing to teach. I went to Elon University and double majored in Art and Biology. I have worked as a zookeeper, a preschool teacher, and as a mom :) This is my 4th year at Brigham Academy, and between the students and my art room, I am the luckiest art te ... read moreacher in Polk County. I love my job and your children and I hope you enjoy this website. Use it as a place to digitally store your students' art over the years. It is an easy and FREE way to keep it organized, because I know many of you don't want all of that paper, glitter, and bulk taking over your house! My children had this when they were in elementary school and it was great because I kept some choice pieces either framed or in an under the bed box with awards, report cards, certificates and things that you don't want to loose, but create clutter! ...and grandparents love it too! Thank you!