Amy Dreves
I have taught art for over 14 years from kindergarten through adult. I am also a working artist, and have shown my my award-winning jewelry and metalwork locally and nationally. For my thesis, I wrote a Beginner Jewelry & Metalsmithing Manual for High School Students. I am pleased to be teaching Jewelry & Metalsmithing, 2D art, and AP Portfolio at Gettysburg Area High School. Our students are exposed to wonderful facilities and programs that support the arts. They are regularly awarded key awards in t ... read morehe PA Scholastic Arts Competitions, and go on to study art in college.
Education: Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA M.Ed. summa cum laude; Art Education
Tyler School of Art of Temple University, Philadelphia, PA BFA, cum laude; Jewelry & Metalsmithing
Graduate Coursework: Penland School of Craft, NC Arrowmont School of Art, Gatlinburg, TN University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA
I have studied with many internationally recognized metalsmiths: Stanley Lechtzin (electroforming); Daniella Kerner, Vicki Sedman, Komelia Okim (kum boo gold foil and leafing techniques), James Malenda (large three diminsional enameling), D.X. Ross (fine silver fusing and metal beads), Ricky Frank (leaded cloisonne enameling), Elizabeth Turrell (enameling), Chris Darway & CeCe Wire (Two of the first Precious Metal Clay Certification Instructors trained by Mitsubishi in Japan and authors of books on this subject), and Heikki Seppa (father of reticulated silver and author of Form Emphasis for Metalsmiths).
My award winning metal work is exhibited both locally and nationally. In the educational community, it was featured in School Arts in 1995 and was exhibited at the National Art Education Conference Teacher Exhibit in Dallas TX, winning the top national award for best 3D body of work.