Meet the Teachers  at Corning High School (Corning, Arkansas)

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Christina Swint
This is my 18th year teaching. I have taught in both Arkansas and Missouri in grades 6-12. I've taught Crafts at a residential summer camp. I teach Crafts with the local 4H group. I'm an Assistant Swim Coach and teach swimming lessons during the summer for fun. I paint wooden ornaments on the side to supplement my income so my son can raise his Show Poultry for 4H, play travel baseball with a private coach, and swim to his hearts content all year. I'm hoping by using this program I can help supplement my students love of art by purchasing them more art supplies with the funds raised. I already ordered gifts for my family of my sons artwork LOL it's like I'm helping pay for my students art supplies while giving gifts.
Megan Owens
No biography available for this teacher.
Kristi Baker
No biography available for this teacher.
This teacher has submitted their own personal artwork!
Click here to view their gallery.