Meet the Teachers  at St John's Lutheran School (Two Rivers, Wisconsin)

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Beth Messman
Hello! My name is Beth Messman. I've been an elementary teacher at St. John's Lutheran School for almost 30 years. I earned my bachelor's degree at DMLC in New Ulm, Minnesota. I live along the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan, where we have amazing beaches and countless sources of inspiration for creating art. Our school is located just outside the city near a cedar swamp, where we've developed a unique outdoor learning center for our students. We often see sandhill cranes, turkeys, songbirds, and white-ta ... read more
Lori Krahn
No biography available for this teacher.
Amy McCargar
I teach 1st & 2nd Grade Art at St. John Lutheran School in Two Rivers, WI.
I love seeing the extent of the artistic creativity of this age group!
Laura Jaeger
I am Mrs. Jaeger, and I teach preschool at St. John's.

I love letting children do their own work!

Seeing children's artwork change as they grow and develop is so rewarding!
Lorien Leonhard
No biography available for this teacher.