Meet the Teachers  at Andrews Middle School (Andrews, Texas)

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Shawna Smart
I have been teaching for over 20 years. I have taught Science, Math, Theatre Arts, and Art. I love the Jr. High age group and am blessed daily by their enthusiasm and creativity.
Cosme J Casillas, Jr.
No biography available for this teacher.
John Aceves

I've been teaching and coaching for over 25...mostly in the field of Special Education. I've been the Art Teacher at Andrews Middle School for the last 7 years. I've been blessed to be able to teach art and continue to coach football, basketball, and track.

Thank You Again for all your support, Coach Aceves
This teacher has submitted their own personal artwork!
Click here to view their gallery.
Katie Hightower
No biography available for this teacher.
Katie Hightower
No biography available for this teacher.