Meet the Teachers  at Allen Academy (Bryan, Texas)

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Kristin Hilsabeck
Welcome to Lower School Art! This is my 17th year in education and 9th year of teaching art. In addition to Lower School Art, I have also taught Middle School Art, Pre-K, and Kindergarten at both private and public schools in the Bryan/College Station area. I enjoy inspiring the creativity in students and watching them grow and learn. I strive to provide an environment where all students feel successful and accomplished in their work. And yes, I love flamingos!
Jami Bevans
Retired after 34 years as a public high school art teacher, Jami Bevans missed teaching and 2 years later is now working for Allen Academy. She now teaches 6th through 12th grade art. She currently serves on the board of TAEA as past president and is active in three other local organizations.