Meet Julia Garnett
from Western Middle School
Parma, Michigan
Julia Garnett is currently the art teacher for Western Middle School.
Julia is also a working artist. She exhibits her paintings, conducts art workshops, and is committed to weekly studio painting sessions with fellow artists. In addition to Western schools, she is employed by Ella Sharp Museum for adult art classes, and Highfields for the WMS "Reaching Higher" afterschool program. Julia is a leader for #jxnartteachers, a group of area art teachers that meet monthly and provide Professional Development opportunities to fellow teachers. She is also locally involved as an artist for "Art 634", and the "In Good Company" restaurant art gallery.
She previously taught art students from young 5's through 5th grade at Bean, Parma, and Warner Elementary Schools. She has also taught 2nd grade, 1st grade, reading and math for at-risk students, high school art, and preschool. Other teaching experience has been with English Language Learners, reading skills for cognitively impaired adults.
Follow WMS art studio happenings on twitter and instagram at #room711wmsart!
See more about Julia at
Personal Art Gallery
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