Meet Lisa L. Miller
from Bremond High School
Bremond, Texas
Ms. Miller "AKA Art Lady" was the Secondary Art Teacher at Bremond ISD for twenty years from 1999-2019. For eight years, she was the sponsor of the Bremond High School Chapter of the National Art Honor Society (NAHS). She is an active member and Past President of the Brazos Valley Art Education Association. She serves as the TAEA Director of Region 6 Junior Visual Arts Scholastic Event (VASE) and is the TAEA Representative for Region VI. She is a member of the Texas Art Education Association (TAEA), National Art Education Association (NAEA)and received the George W. Bush Library and Museum "Outstanding Educator" Award in 2007 and was selected as Middle School Art Educator of 2012 by the Texas Art Education Association.
Personal Art Gallery
added on 6/29/2017
added on 3/8/2016
added on 11/17/2014
added on 8/31/2012
added on 8/30/2012