Meet Sarah Shivler
from The Summit Preparatory School
Springfield, Missouri
About the teacher:
Sarah Shivler has her own brand of original art, Hide and Seek Art. She customizes each piece for the recepient through illustrations, words, symbols and colors. Her work can be found in homes and offices around the United States. Sarah dabbles in other areas of art like scrapbooking, photography, painting and more! She loves trying new techniques and learning along side her students. In the past she has also taught scrapbooking classes and given private art lessons.
Sarah has a Bachelor's degree in Communication from Drury University and a Master's degree in Elementary Education from MSU. Sarah is dual certified in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education in Missouri. She has eight years of teaching in public schools prior to joining The Summit with it's opening in 2005. Sarah taught first grade and second grade prior to 2009. Sarah now follows her passion into the Art classroom. Other duties at The Summit include Assistant to the Community Relations Director.
Before beginning her teaching career, Sarah was a Regional Director of Admission at Drury University for four years. In October 2004, Sarah was chosen as a Fulbright Memorial Fund Teacher to Japan enabling her to spend three weeks in Japan learning about the culture. Sarah was a Young Years Conference Presenter in 2004 and 2005 and a conference presenter at the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, The Primary Years Conference, The Mid-America Conference on Cooperative Learning and The Nixa Excellence Fair. Her additional training includes the Missouri Reading Initiative, Reading Recovery, Four Block and Building Blocks and the Accelerated Reader Model.
Being part of the community is important to Sarah and she volunteers with Upward Basketball, 135th Army Band National Guard Readiness Unit, ABC's Extreme Makeover Home Edition (summer 2009) and her church.
Personal Art Gallery

added on 4/26/2011

added on 4/26/2011

added on 4/26/2011

added on 4/26/2011

added on 3/10/2011

added on 11/12/2010

added on 11/12/2010

added on 9/29/2010