Meet Jessica Beach
from James G. Brumfield Elementary School
Warrenton, Virginia
I am happily in my fourth year of teaching art at Brumfield ES. I have lived most of my life in Fauquier County and love it here! I graduated with two BFAs (Sculpture and Art Education) from VCU. When I create my own art I have a difficult time defining myself as only a painter or sculptor, instead I use a variety of materials to achieve the concepts I am working with. I encourage my students to enjoy the art all around them, even some things we have never seen as art before!
Personal Art Gallery

added on 5/25/2011

added on 11/28/2010

added on 11/28/2010

added on 11/28/2010

added on 11/28/2010

added on 11/28/2010