Meet Kathryn Jarrell

from Northwest Elementary — Pikeville, North Carolina
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I was born in Pikeville, NC. I graduated from Charles B. Aycock High School in 1990 and East Carolina University in 1995 with a BFA in art education. My specialty areas in art, during college, were fabric design and weaving. During my elementary school years, I had the most wonderful art teacher. Because of her influence, I decided to become an art teacher. I was born into a family of teachers. My mother taught English. My father taught auto mechanics, and my sister teaches math. Teaching was a natural choice for me. I love to see my students having fun in art. I love to see the pride in their faces when they feel succesfull. When I teach my art lessons, I emphasize neatness and problem solving. Whenever my students make a mistake, I help them figure out a solution to the problem. I love that in art, there is no "wrong way". As I tell my students, the best art sometimes comes from our mistakes. I'm so happy that Northwest Elementary has been my home for the last 14 years of my teaching career. I can't imagine teaching anywhere else!
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added on 10/24/2009