Meet Jeb Berry

from Nova-Academy Early College High School — Santa Ana, California
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I have loved art for as long as I can remember, I beleve I started as early as kindergarden in a program that focused of providing opportunities to children who demonstrated a strong aptitude for the arts. I started to paint with watercolor in 7th grade and fell in love with its unique characteristics and it is my meduim of choice even today. I produced a strong portfolio in high school with the help of an amazing art teacher, Barbara Gard. I pursued a degree in art studying at San Jose State, Long Beach State Universities. I finished with a B.A. in Art and an emphasis in illustration. I continued with my education completing my teaching credential at Vanguard University and plan to finish my masters there as well. My joy is engaging students in art and watching them create amazing works of art.
Personal Art Gallery
added on 1/7/2010