Meet Cathy Gersich

from Fairhaven Middle School — Bellingham, Washington
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Cathy Gersich is a Nationally Board Certified Art Teacher with almost two decades of teaching experience. She has a BA in Humanities and a MA in Art Education from the University of Oregon. Currently she teaches High School Studio Art and Visual Communications Classes at Bellingham High School in Bellingham, Washington. In 2001 Cathy was awarded the University Of Oregon College Of Education Alumni Award for Excellence for significant impact on instructional programs, and won a Mayor's Art Award in 2000 for important contributions to art education in the city of Bellingham. Cathy was also a Peer Technology coach through the federally funded Enhancing Education through Technology program at and worked helping teachers incorporate technology in their lessons. She served on the Bellingham Arts Commission for five years, is active in Delta Kappa Gamma International Society for key women educators, and was a Board Member-at-Large for Washington Association for Middle Level Educators.
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added on 10/18/2009
added on 10/18/2009
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added on 10/18/2009
added on 10/18/2009
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added on 10/18/2009