Meet Lydia Horvath
from Toledo School For The Arts
Toledo, Ohio
I have always enjoyed art, and it's always been "natural" for me. The first time I saw Betty Edward's "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain", it was eye- opening to me - I could finally explain how to do what I could do, and I could understand what it was that confused "non-artists" about drawing!
I got my degree in Art Education in 1997 from the University of Toledo. My preferred media are drawing, watercolor, and printmaking. I have been teaching art in non-traditional charter school settings for over 20 years now, and really enjoy the students and the process of teaching them! If you would like to see examples of my artwork, check out the examples on this site!
Personal Art Gallery

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010

added on 9/18/2010