Meet Megan Goodwin
from Fort Washington Elementary School
Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
At a young age Megan found solace in creating art. In high school she discovered the joy of working with children at summer camp and so began the path to becoming an art educator. She attended Arcadia University and holds a BFA and an MAEd. Megan has 25 years of experience teaching art in the Upper Dublin School District and was an adjunct professor at Arcadia University. Megan delights in sharing art and self-expression with the young artists that she teaches. Megan lives in Chester County with her husband Steve in their 1711 stone house. They share the red barn and create in various mediums. They are currently restoring a 1964 VW Beetle. Megan and Steve ‘accidentally’ have three cats thanks to the cat distribution system. New Cat has been visiting so they may be expanding their family of felines!
Personal Art Gallery

added on 9/27/2023

added on 9/27/2023

added on 9/27/2023

added on 9/27/2023

added on 9/27/2023

added on 9/27/2023

added on 9/27/2023

added on 9/27/2023

added on 9/27/2023

added on 9/27/2023