Meet Taylor Holt

from East Valley Middle School — Nampa, Idaho
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Hello parents and students! Welcome to Miss Holt's art class. I am very excited about this upcoming semester! Something about me that you should know right off the bat is that I love art, and the art making process. I believe that the journey is just as, if not more, important than the destination, and the skills that you learn through art can be applied to just about anywhere you choose to go in your life. With skills like problem solving, perseverance, the ability to try new things, and critical thinking, you can take what you learn in my class, even if at the very end you'll never hold a paintbrush again, and move forward with these critical life skills.

This is my third year teaching art at East Valley Middle, and I can easily say that it's been the best job I've had! I love working here and working with students teaching them how to embrace their creativity, and their critical thinking skills. And while art is also my career, it's also my hobby and passion! During my free time I also make art for my side business, and for passion projects. I am an illustrator by trade ad graphic novelist by hobby; I know how to use all sorts of paint, from oil to watercolor and everything in between; pen and ink are my first loves, particularly with marker. I'm learning how to use clay, I have not had as much experience with it, but I am always up for new challenges and learning new techniques to pass on to students.

I do other things besides making art in my spare time! I play Dungeons and Dragons every other weekend with my spouse and some friends, I write, I am an enthusiast about video games and I love to read. The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are two of my favorite books, and I am pretty sure I can beat you at Tolkien trivia. I can play the piano, the guitar, a traditional flute called an ocarina, and I have seven years of classical and broadway singing. I love to hike and be out in nature, I enjoy growing and tending to a home garden with herbs and flowers. Spring and summer are my favorite seasons.

I am mostly a self-taught artist, but I did go to college to be an animator, because I wanted to work for Disney/Pixar! Who wouldn't? But after about two years in the program, I realized I wasn't all that happy, and I changed majors on a whim to the art education track. And while I'm not making blockbuster movies, I was able to travel to Washington D.C to complete my student teaching experience before I got this position here at EVMS, and I am far more fulfilled with passing on my passion and knowledge to new artists.

My spouse and I were married last year, and we have three little furball children. The oldest is Mr. Tilney (heyoo to all the Jane Austen enthusiasts!), a big black and white monster who only has enough love in his heart for one person, and that person is my spouse. He likes to supervise the cooking of dinner and patrols the house for any dangers. The second is Pippin, a pure-bred Maine Coon with the stumpiest little legs in the world and the biggest personality. His favorite activities include running around the house at 3am and cuddling. The third is a bob-cat mix named Magnus, and he is dumb as a sack of rocks, but he sure is a snuggle bug and what he lacks in brains he makes up for in love.
Something I would like each and every one of you to know is be prepared to work very hard in this course—I expect nothing but the best effort from my students. It doesn't matter if they already know how to draw, or have never drawn in their life, everyone is on the same page when it comes to this class. I look at whether a student has put forth the effort to try, and learn; I look at craftsmanship and if the student takes care of their work; the respect they give others, myself, and materials; and whether they are applying what they've learned.

I can't wait to get this year started, and to meet you and see what you make! Bye!
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