Meet Andrea Buss
from Hilbert School District
Hilbert, Wisconsin
Hello all! My name is Mrs Thomas and I am nothing short of delighted to be the K-12 Art Instructor at Hilbert School District. It sure does get crazy, hectic being the master of all this art room magnificence, but I am in my best element under frenzied situations as such! I am so sincerely passionate about working with these tiny beings. I find it really natural to build a strong rapport with children and I love having an active role in their lives. Making an impact on children inside the school community is so rewarding, but when I can make a life-long impact or a personal influence on a student- that’s what really tugs at my heart strings!! As Sydney Gurewitz Clemens once said "Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else." Be unique. Be creative. Be you.
Personal Art Gallery

added on 4/10/2020

added on 4/10/2020

added on 4/10/2020

added on 4/10/2020

added on 4/10/2020