Meet Emily Shubert

from Thoroughgood Elementary School — Virginia Beach, Virginia
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I am one of the Art Teachers at Thoroughgood Elementary School. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art from the University of Virginia, with a concentration in Printmaking. I love to paint, doodle and experiment with crafts! It is a dream come true to teach Art at Thoroughgood! Every day, our children learn to develop their design style and establish their artistic voice through Art & Design projects rooted in a standards based curriculum. Students observe, express, reflect, explore, and produce original works of art while working with their peers and art tools responsibly.

**Every child is an ARTIST. -Pablo Picasso**
Personal Art Gallery
added on 11/21/2020
added on 11/21/2020
added on 10/13/2020
added on 1/15/2020
added on 1/15/2020
added on 12/11/2017
added on 10/10/2017
added on 10/10/2017
added on 10/10/2017
added on 10/10/2017
added on 10/10/2017
added on 9/25/2017
added on 9/25/2017
added on 9/25/2017
added on 9/25/2017
added on 9/25/2017