Meet Katie Roache
from Phillis Wheatley Elementary School
Bridgeville, Delaware
I am the art teacher of P.W.E.S. I love my job and enjoy teaching a little over 600 students about art each year. This is and has always been my dream job. (if you want to call it a job, because it feels much more like a calling). In 2006 I received a technical degree in visual communication with a minor in drawing and painting. I attended Shepherd University in West Virginia where I earned my B.A. in secondary education; art education with a minor in painting. I also received my masters in education from Liberty University in Virginia. I currently live in Bridgeville, Delaware with my husband Pete and our dog Jabba The Hutt. Besides painting and drawing I also enjoy reading, playing video games, going to the movies, and spending time at the beach. I am also a proud geek where I love star wars, comic books, and Dr. Who. I cant wait to see what amazing art work is going to come from this wonderful artist that I have in my classroom this school year.
Personal Art Gallery
added on 10/17/2018
added on 10/17/2018
added on 10/17/2018
added on 10/17/2018
added on 10/1/2018
added on 10/1/2018
added on 10/1/2018
added on 10/1/2018
added on 10/1/2018
added on 10/1/2018
added on 10/1/2018