Meet Kacie McGee
from Goessel Elementary School
Goessel, Kansas
Greetings! My name is Kacie Schmidt, and I am the Art instructor for USD 411. I teach Kindergarten through 12th grade. My elementary classes are twice a week for 40 minutes, which gives us lots of time to explore all kinds of medias. Each lesson is tied to learning about an element of art and usually an artist or an art movement or a part of art history or sometime paired with a children's book. We do seasonal lessons and try to explore each medium with each grade at their appropriate skill level. While most lessons start with the same base idea of what we are making, students are given lots of choice and encouragement to make each piece their own work. The idea is for them to have fun first and learn the skill we are practicing.
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Personal Art Gallery

added on 2/2/2025