Meet Mark Hay
from Northbrook Junior High School
Northbrook, Illinois
Art is found in more places than just the art room or museum. It is all around us! Our kids are getting a type of art education from the visual world and society in which they live through their exposure to things like television, cinema, internet, magazines, fashion and much more. It is part of their visual culture. Students can use this knowledge to express, interpret and make change within themselves and within our world. They explore new ideas and make personal connections with their art. Their art should have relevance to them as something more than to say, “look what I can do.”
Mr. Hay lives in the northwest suburbs of Chicago and has been teaching art since 2003. Mark has a B.S in Art Education from Illinois State University and a M.S in Art Education from Northern Illinois University.
Personal Art Gallery

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018

added on 10/24/2018