Meet Christine Walker
from Paul Norton Elementary School
Bettendorf, Iowa
I'm so excited to be your art teacher this year! I am happily married to my husband Kim and as you can see in my profile photo, we have two English Cream Golden Retrievers, Sampson and Delilah. We also have two grown kids. My son Nick is an English teacher at Sudlow Intermediate in Davenport and my daughter Sarah teaches English Speaking classes in Wuhan, China. I have also been blessed with three adorable grandchildren, Luke, Belle, & Deborah who brighten my world every day. Another grandchild is coming in February!
I have been a teacher in the Bettendorf Community School District for many years. I started out as a Core Reading Teacher and then spent 7 years teaching 1st Grade, 7 years teaching 3rd Grade, and this will be my 9th year teaching art. I have enjoyed all of my teaching experiences, but I feel that I finally found what I am most passionate about. That passion led me to complete my Masters Degree in Art Education during the crazy Covid year 2020!
I love every moment I get to spend teaching students about artists, art techniques, art styles, and developing their own creativity and problem solving along the way!
Personal Art Gallery

added on 1/6/2021

added on 6/15/2020

added on 6/15/2020

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added on 4/8/2018

added on 4/8/2018

added on 4/8/2018

added on 4/8/2018

added on 4/8/2018

added on 4/8/2018

added on 4/8/2018

added on 4/8/2018

added on 4/8/2018

added on 4/8/2018

added on 4/8/2018

added on 4/8/2018

added on 4/8/2018