Meet Jennifer Beyer
from Highland Park School
Manchester, Connecticut
Art-A-La-Cart is happening at Highland Park Elementary this year. My teaching philosophy is to inspire students to appreciate the beauty in their world, to believe that they can do anything that they set their minds to, and to develop cultural literacy by learning about artists and different cultures around the world through various art mediums. Kids learn to believe in themselves through encouragement in the arts. Learning to use their imagination and develop their fine motor skills assists in developing self-confidence. Kids are sharing ideas and expanding on them and by continuously asking questions to inquire a deeper understanding about all of their interests. Most importantly to know that it is okay to make mistakes, we all make them and it's an important part of the creative learning process. The main thing I want students to walk away with from my classes is to never give up and to continuously strive to find creative solutions to their questions while exploring the world around them.
Personal Art Gallery
added on 6/8/2016
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/7/2015
added on 11/6/2015