Meet Julia Sloan B.F.A., M.Ed.
from Benbrook Middle - High School
Fort Worth, Texas
So, I'm back in the Art Room after 6 years "elsewhere". Sometimes it takes a trip into the wilderness to realize how at home you are at home.
I want every kid to find their place in the Art world. For some it will be their future, their every day, their air...for others it will be the thing that makes the other stuff more fun, or bearable, or successful, or exciting. And, for some it will be the thing that lets them better understand how the whole world works. Behind EVERY THING there is some creative mind that thought outside the box...or maybe figured out how to think inside the box in a way that made people say, "Wow!" When that creative mind is an artist's mind, the heart and brain and eyes are working together.
Personal Art Gallery

added on 9/20/2015