Meet Genifer Best
from Applied Learning Academy
Fort Worth, Texas
Welcome to the Applied Learning Academy Art Studio! My name is Genifer Best and I teach art to students sixth through eighth grade. In the ALA Studio, we experiment with all media including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, mosaic and mixed media, textile and fiber arts...basically anything that enables us to express ourselves creatively! Coming from an elementary background, I tend to be rather fearless in my pursuit of alternative art materials and means of communication. I look forward to getting middle schoolers excited about ART and CREATIVITY because I believe making art is a "lifetime sport!"
Personal Art Gallery

added on 5/29/2018

added on 5/29/2018

added on 12/5/2014

added on 12/5/2014

added on 12/5/2014

added on 12/5/2014

added on 12/5/2014

added on 12/5/2014

added on 12/5/2014

added on 12/5/2014

added on 12/5/2014

added on 12/5/2014

added on 10/1/2014