Meet Lea Heller

from Shawnee District 84 — Wolf Lake, Illinois
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Hello, and welcome to the Shawnee Jr-Sr High School artsonia page. My name is Lea Heller, and I teach 1sth-12th grade art and direct the high school art club. I am very happy to be a part of the community here at Shawnee working with the staff and students to create an exciting and unique learning experience.

I am originally from Northern Illinois, growing up in the northwest suburbs of Chicago near the town of Barrington. I grew up with a great interest in the arts, and experimenting with all mediums. I have many supportive artist and craftsmen in my family that encouraged me, very early on, to pursue and enhance my art skills. I infuse creativity into all aspects of my life, from creating my own personal artwork, to the way I cook, decorate, garden and live life. I knew from a young age I wanted to be an art teacher so I could share my love of art and culture with young, interested minds, as people had done for me when growing up.

I received my bachelors in art education from Southern Illinois University Carbondale, and earned minor in art history. I will be completing my Masters in Art Education through Eastern Illinois University in 2019. While at SIUC I immersed myself in the the wonderful art community they had to offer by joining extracurricular art clubs, working at the Craft Shop, I was the Student Art Director as well and receiving recognition for my own artwork in local and national juried art shows. I also participated in the Americorps VISTA program and was able to provide food to local families in need as well as offering a daily summer art camp.

This is my tenth year teaching at Shawnee Jr-Sr High School and every year gets better. With all of the classes I teach, I focus on student centered learning which presents students with the opportunity to learn and discover information and skills in their own way. My classroom environment is one that encourages the sharing of ideas and thoughts in a comfortable atmosphere to help students develop problem solving skills, their own creativity and grow as individuals.
Personal Art Gallery
added on 3/5/2018