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The Creative Arts Academy Of The Quad Cities
Artist Statements
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Artist Statements are written by the artist as reflections on their work.
this school year (since July 2024)
last school year (July 2023 - June 2024)
2 years ago (July 2022 - June 2023)
3 years ago (July 2021 - June 2022)
4 years ago (July 2020 - June 2021)
5 years ago (July 2019 - June 2020)
6 years ago (July 2018 - June 2019)
7 years ago (July 2017 - June 2018)
all projects
8th Visual Art: Name Design
6th Media Arts: Name Design
Digital Photo: 12 Views 1 Object
Digital Photo: Multiple Views: Layering & Opacity
7th Visual Arts: Name Design
6th Visual Arts: Name Design
8th Design: Cup Challenge
7th JOURNEY: Quote
6th Creative Seminar: Coloring Sound
Digital Photo: Ugly/Beautiful
7th Media Arts: Green Screen Practice
8th Media Arts: Green Screen
8th Media Arts: Editorial Cartoon
SBC 1: Skeleton, Silly, Moving
6th Creative Seminar: Not a Stick
SBC 2: Sakuna, Running, Zesty
6th Media Arts: Animated GIF
7th Integrated Arts: Connections Digital Collage
7th Integrated Arts: Photography
7th Integrated Arts: Animated GIF
6th Media Arts: Photography_Emphasis
6th Media Arts: Photography_Repetition
6th Creative Seminar: Hybrid Animal
SBC 3: Legoland, Jumping, Melted
7th JOURNEY: Home
SBC 4: Panda, Emo Baddy, Shyly Crying
Media Arts: Independent Work
8th Digital Photo: Joiner
6th Visual Arts: Self-Portrait
SBC 5: Jack Skellington, Drawing, Worried
7th JOURNEY: Time Capsule
6th Creative Seminar: SCAMPER COLLAGE
7th Media Arts: Logo Design- Black and White
7th Media Arts: Logo Design- Color
7th Visual Arts: Self-Portrait
7th Integrated Arts: Veteran Digital Collage
8th Visual Arts: Humor Painting
SBC 6: Jimmy, Dying, Fancy
7th JOURNEY: Self-Portrait
7th Visual Arts: Item of Significance
SBC 7: Duck, Bald, Dancing
6th Creative Seminar: Blackout Poetry
7th Media Arts:Advent Design 1
7th Media Arts: Advent Designs 2
Visual Arts: Independent Study
8th Design: CAA Logo
Festival of Trees: Student Portraits
6th Media Arts: Abstract Memory
6th Visual Arts: Embroidery for a Cause
8th Visual Arts: Hannah Caldwell
SBC 8: Colossal, Eyeball, Drawing
7th Visual Arts: Winterreise
8th Digital Photo: Joiner
SBC 9: Me & My Family, Silly, Eating
6th Media Arts: View of Community to Life
6th Visual Arts: Memory Artwork
Visual Arts: Calavera
6th Media Arts: Photography_Leading Lines
8th Media Arts: Figge Parody Project
Media Arts: Yearbook Design
Digital Photography: Double Exposure Self-Portrait
Digital Photo: Depicting Dreams
7th Integrated Arts: Fog Photographs
8th Media Arts: Learn 2 Look Gallery Exhibit (zebra)
8th Visual Arts: ZEBRA
6th Creative Seminar: Roll Abstract
SBC 10: Roller Skate, Eager, Moving
I Love Davenport
SBC 11: Pumpkin, Walking, Crazy
SBC 12: Ghost, Grumpy, Breakdancing
6th Visual Arts: Power Masks
6th Visual Arts: Civil Rights
8th Visual Arts: Davenport
Animation Basics: Flip Book Video
8th Visual Arts: River Acrion
SBC 14: Jimmy, Special
Holocaust Remembrance
8th Visual Art: River
7th Visual Arts: Face It
8th Ceramics: Pot Pot
No statements have been left by artists during the selected school year and/or project.